You can also access the desktop tools you use most by adding individual items to the customizable Quick Tools toolbar. (The Tools pane replaces the Tasks toolbar in Acrobat 9.) To add other groups of tools (called panels) to the Tools pane, open the pane and click the options menu in the upper-right corner. By default, only the most commonly used tools appear. The Tools pane on the right side of the window organizes the tools into task-related groups. A streamlined, simplified user interface displays the most commonly used tools, depending on the task at hand. This document is divided into 6 sections: Installing Adobe Acrobat X (v10.1) Professional While remaining available for few specific use cases, users are strongly encouraged to use the PDF Exchange software, available in CMF for any machine connected to the CERN Windows domain.
As of 2018, Adobe Acrobat is no longer the prefered PDF editor at CERN.